About Workshop

About Workshop

Molecular Simulation is an indispensable tool, not only for physicists and chemists but also for a wide spectrum of researchers working in a variety of engineering fields including chemical, petroleum, environmental, energy, electrical, mechanical and its allied engineering courses. Molecular simulations have served to predict solution thermodynamic properties such as solubility, partitioning, vapor pressure, activity coefficients, the excess enthalpies of binary mixtures and complete phase equilibria in binary or ternary mixtures. A wide class of scientific phenomena can be explored and understood from an atom and molecular level. The advances in Molecular Simulation have also enabled us to solve a range of complex real time chemical and its allied industrial problems. Therefore, the main objective of this workshop is to introduce the participants to various molecular simulation techniques with special emphasis on current engineering problems.

The following software will be used in the workshop:

  1. Molden Visualization Software
  2. ChemDraw – Molecule Editor
  3. Gaussian Software
  4. COSMOthermX Software

The following topics will be covered in the workshop:

  1. Chemical Structure with Approximate Bond Length and Angle
  2. Geometry Optimization with Different DFT Theory
  3. COSMO File Generation
  4. Sigma Profile Generation
  5. Sigma Potential Generation
  6. Prediction of :
    • Solubility of Solute in Solvent
    • Activity Coefficient of Solute at Infinite or Specific Dilution in Solvent
  7. Phase Equilibria in Binary and Ternary Mixtures Using Modified Rashford Algorithm
  8. Green Process Simulation using ASPENPLUS
  9. Electromotive force (EMF) prediction